Day 23

Today was a tough day. We had most of our miles on pavement, and the total elevation was not so bad, but the climbs really took their toll on us and we were very happy to end the day in… Colorado?

As you can see from Strava below, we were sorta right on the border. We stayed in a cabin at the Ladder Ranch, where they said for sure that they lived in Wyoming, but I got the impression that if we tripped and fell the wrong way, we’d land on Colorado soil. Well, no fanfare, no nice sign, but I’m calling it. We made it to Colorado 🙂

Why am I showing this pic of a Toyota minivan from the 80s? Because it’s the 3rd or 4th one I’ve seen this trip. I thought these were the coolest thing when I was a kid (stop cringing, Laury), but I thought they’d all disappeared, got sucked into a black hole, etc. It turns out they just shipped them all to the western states.
This is Greg S. going over a cattle Guard. We have crossed over approximately 1 billion cattle guards so far on this trip. Cattle guards are super necessary because…
Cows can be just about anywhere.